Sunday, March 2, 2008

pHirst Post

Congratulations - You have stumbled on the first post of a brand new USELESS but (possibly) interesting and enlightening forum of TRIVIAL INFORMATION.

I plan to post trivial tidbits of information and interesting quotes that I encounter such as:

David Boudanis explains on page 262 of his book Electric Universe, How Electricity Switched on the Modern World (Three Rivers Press, 2005) what is meant by "pH":

When we talk about the "pH" of a solution that's simply short-hand for counting the electrically powerful ions inside it. In a glass of water there's one bare hydrogen ion on the loose for about every 10,000,000 ordinary molecules, which is why water's pH is said to be seven - the number of zeros in 10,000,000. The hydrochloric acid in our stomach has one hydrogen ion for about every hundred water molecules, and so has a pH of about 2.

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