Sunday, December 27, 2009

On A Scale From 1 To 10...

I think that we can all agree that Hedy Lamarr and Wonder Women are perfect 10's on the Beautiful Scale, BUT there are also other scales that are just as important to know about...

1) What does the Scoville scale measure on a scale from 0 to over 1 million? (Hint: Could be helpful when ordering Thai).

2) What is measured in Mohs? (Hint: Your wife should be wearing a 10 but she may actually be wearing an 8 - Don't worry your secret is safe with me).

3) What does the Saffir-Simpson scale measure on a scale from 1 to 5? (Hint: Not a girls-only club anymore).

4) What does the Beaufort scale measure on a scale from 0 to 12? (Hint: Mr. Beaufort was a British Admiral).

Click here for the ANSWERS.

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