Monday, March 10, 2008

USS Buttercup Sinks in Virginia - Navy Confirms Terrorists Are Not to Blame

The USS Buttercup sank today after taking on water due to a simulated missile strike. Yes, you did read that right - a simulated missile strike.

The USS Buttercup holds the distinguished title of the ship credited with the most sinkings. Unfortunately, the sinkings are her own. Located at the Norfolk Naval Station Center for Naval Engineering, the USS Buttercup serves as the Navy's training simulator that recreates a sinking ship. Realistic down to the smoke and emergency lighting the simulator can even be made to list as water pours in.

Roused from your bunk, the only thing that may alert you to the fact that this is not a real disaster is the sudden rush of cold chlorinated water. This simulator is low-sodium in order to minimize the maintenance required to keep the Buttercup in ship shape.

The Navy is tight-lipped as to whether duct tape is aboard during the training exercises. As we all know, "loose lips sink ships".

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