Monday, March 3, 2008

Why 1998 May Add Value to Your VIN

Beginning today, no car can be legally exported from the United States into Mexico unless its born-on date is 1998. Until today, Mexico allowed the import of cars 10 to 15 years old. According to a MSN posting, "cars newer than that were banned from imports as unwelcome competition for Mexican car dealers, and anything more than 15 years old was seen as a potential environmental and safety hazard".

Personally, I take offense to the last part of that rational as I am currently driving a 1986 Toyota pickup known as the Bessemer Falcon (but referred to as the Dump Truck or the Free Truck by other family members). No word on if Mexico allows the import of classic or antique vehicles.

1 comment:

GiGi said...

Too bad Mexico won't accept your 1990 Honda Civic (nickname: "Old and Busted"), we could drive you to the border.